Carolina Placenta Remedies offers birthing families natural healing benefits through placenta encapsulation and placenta remedies. These remedies help balance your system and gradually ease the postpartum transition.

Carolina Placenta Remedies is the foremost expert in placenta-based remedies in the Southeast. We offer our clients the most comprehensive array of placenta-based remedies and methodologies.


The placenta is an amazing organ. It nurtures life in the womb, but its role and influence do not end at birth. Instead, it is perfectly created to nourish the birth person and help with natural healing for a positive postpartum recovery.  Placenta remedies enable your system to balance itself and gradually ease the postpartum transition. 


The safety of my clients is my first priority


 I am a dual-certified placenta encapsulation specialist. I am certified in food safety handling and have my OSHA-approved bloodborne pathogen certification. I am trained in hospital clean room procedures and cross-contamination prevention. We work in a professional placenta studio that ensures the highest safety standards in a controlled environment. We only use EPA- and OSHA-approved sanitizers and disinfectants to eliminate pathogens. To prevent cross-contamination, we work with only one client's placenta at a time. We affix the client's name and phone number to each cooler kit to ensure that each placenta is properly labeled and identifiable. We take every step necessary to ensure that each placenta is safely stored, processed, and delivered by a business that our clients can trust.


  New Service Coming  Spring 2025

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Professional Services You Can Trust!

Certified Placenta Specialist

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